Westerwald Mailing List
(Register and Changings)


This page is also offerd in German

On the server of the German Genealogy Team, ARGEWE is maintaining its own mailing list as a public forum concerning the Westerwald region.

It is a closed list, meaning mails to the list will only be passed on if sent by registered participants.

If interested you are welcome to join this list. Shortly afterwards you will automatically receive a confirmatory mail, which you are supposed to reply to and return to sender. This is required for you own security to avoid somebody else registering with your e-mail address.

Please notice, that you may register only with that e-mail address, that is appearing as sender´s address ( no forwarding address).

Please also note the list rules and the recommendations for list users.

On the next page you can change also the passwort, digest or non digest modus etc.

Would you like to register or change something now? -> Yes, register/change
