Research of Wilson Zaring




This project is a joint effort between Barbara Pueschel and me. I searched the records of the Evangelical Church of Bad Marienberg (1645-1765) for information on my ancestors and transcribed the birth, marriage, and death data that I found. Barbara, being more experienced and knowledgeable than I, took my transcriptions and constructed the families. I do not know enough German to write even a simple sentence so I could not have prepared the German version that appears here. Barbara was entirely responsible for that. We welcome comments, criticisms, and corrections.
Passages in German are transcriptions from items in the register of the Evangelical Church in Bad Marienberg. Numbers in parentheses at the end of a German passage refer to the page where that information can be found in the church record. A second number, if there is one, refers to an item on that page. Unfortunately my copy of the record does not show the page numbers so my numbers may not agree with numbers that actually appear in the register. Information in parentheses within a German passage is data that I have added and is not in that item of the church record itself. The symbol _?_ indicates a word or part of a word that I could not read.
A name in brackets [ ] is the name of the first same-sex sponsor that is listed and is probably the name of the child but we can't be sure because exceptions are known.

Wilson Zaring

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